Monday, February 27, 2012

Lev Grossman, The Magicians

The magicians was a really great and fun take on the whole magic genre in away that harry potter never went. It really made magic feel more down to earth and something that was real rather then in this magic world but kids and people dealing with real life things and situation that teen go through with a magic twist but never in away that makes it seem fake. It also made magic seem similar to art school which we talked about in class and it makes a lot of sense because not everyone can create art that is able to manipulate and make you think and that it is a skill that you have to practice hard and even if you try your hardest you may never master. Also the in the magicians it has something similar to are art school the no smoking law though I am not a smoker it gave me a laugh. In all I sound this book really wonderful and fun to read though its not harry potter it stands on its own and if someone doesn’t like harry potter they may like the magicians 

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