Friday, April 13, 2012


The Aquatic Uncle by Italo Calvino was a short story about the shift of how things use to be to how they are now. in this story it is about living under the water and now how everyone lives above the water and the dealing with the mid point of the elders who still live under the water and the younger who live above the water. its an interesting thing to tackle and to look at because i see how this kinda happens now not with living above land or below the water but with technology and views of issues we are still kinda at a mid point between the two dealing with the struggle of these different view points and how both kinda cant understand each other. i mean to use we have laws that try to be passed censoring the internet which is physcally impossible  because of the size and complexity of the internet even if something is deleted it is on something anywhere and can potentially be accessed. though i digress about the story i found thinking about that interesting and enjoyed reading this story.

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