Monday, April 23, 2012

Firesign Theatre: I Think We're All Bozos on this Bus

I Think We're All Bozos on this Bus was very interesting and confusing thing to listen to while trying to work. but it was like listening to the future if it was made of clowns kinda like idiocracy but with clowns and in a theme park. which i kinda thought was interesting. bizarro fiction has always been a fun thing to read listen to or watch for me because it really is just whats happening around use the dumb things people do or say just super exaggerated and thrown into the future. like taking trash in idiocracy which is a problem we deal with and making them into mountains or that a company that makes a sport drink now goes to every water fountain instead of water and water is only for toilets. it makes these things feel so far head but yet really relatable and you can almost imagine these things happening and it makes you see things in another light. though i much rather enjoyed idiocracy over i think we're all bozos i found it enjoyable though sometimes needing my full attention.

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